In the near future, humanity was forced to abandon the planet forever after cataclysmic events, and they reestablished mankind on the planet Nova Prime, light years away from Earth, and managed to rebuild society. Earth was derailed of traces of mankind and left in its prime state, and continued to flourish on its own. Shortly after colonization of Nova Prime, a Ranger Corps was found to control peace in the space, since Nova Prime is in the colonized system.
One thousand years after the departure from Earth (implied as 1000 A.E. in film) the Ranger Corps is led by General Cypher Raige (Will Smith), the cold and emotionless father, but a wise one. His teenage son, Kitai (Jaden Smith), is one of the training recruits, but his knack for mischief frustrates Cypher, who eventually does not promote him. Seeing this as a longing for his father's love, Cypher's wife (Sophie Okonedo) tells Cypher to do some bonding with Kitai.
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